Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Mom has superpowers?

Maybe some of you that have special needs children can relate.  So I was taking Elijah to school today, Elijah has his cast on still so I had him propped up with pillows in his wagon and I had Madeleine strapped to my chest.  As we are walking up to the school one of the teacher says, "Here comes wonder woman!"  I started thinking how many times I have heard this.  I have been called "super-human," "super mom," or that I have "super powers."  How wrong everyone is.  I am just like other moms.  I get overwhelmed, stressed,  and angry just like everyone else.  I do just what other moms do.  I provide for my children.  My children's needs may be a little different then most but it is kind of the same.  Some have more needs then others.  If my child needs something, I do my best to provide it.  I think we really have it backwards.  I think my son, Elijah, is the real super hero.  He has the real challenges and the obstacles.  He is so determined and strives to achieve his goals everyday.  Maybe I give him some of the tools to get there but isn't that what parents do?  But the truth is I am guilty of the doing this too.  The chances are I am probably looking at you thinking the very same thing.  That mother is a rock star!

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