Monday, March 26, 2012

A little bit about our bear

Elijah is 5 years old.  He has microcephaly, cerebral palsy, swallowing issues, global delay, seizures, and is deaf.  He has bilateral cochlear implants.  Elijah's cerebral palsy is worse on the right side of his body, particularly the right arm and hand.  He uses a removable cast on his left arm that forces him to use his right.  He is able to sit, crawl, and cruise.  He uses a stander and kid walk daily.  Elijah cannot speak but he is learning to use an eye gaze communication device!  He can eat solids but they have to be soft.  Liquids have to be thickened to chocolate milk consistency.  Elijah is very happy and LOVES to laugh!  He goes to a PPCD program for 3 hours a day and really enjoys it.  He is very social and loves to be around people.  He loves to be in the car and on the go!  He does occupational, physical, speech, and music therapies.  He does swim therapy during the summer and has done hippo therapy in the past.  He enjoys playing baseball and finger painting!   Elijah has overcome so much and we are so proud of him! 
3 weeks ago Elijah had surgery on the tendons on his inner thighs.  They were pulling too tight causing his hip to start coming out of socket. 
They released the tension and casted both legs and placed a bar in between to keep the correct position.  He is doing really well and learned how to sit himself up and is now even rolling around!  He does get very frustrated and bang the casts on the floor trying to knock them off but for the most part has been very accepting.  He only has 2 more weeks in the casts and then he will wear a brace for a few months!  I can't wait to see if this will improve his walking, along with the new AFOs they have ordered him! 

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