Monday, March 26, 2012

Our son Elijah

This is our son, Elijah, we have called him Bear Bear every since we left the hospital with him when he was born.  Elijah was born with congenital CMV.  This is a common virus that I caught while I was pregnant.  It has very little symptoms so I didn't even know that I had it.  It you have never had this virus before and you catch it for the very first time while pregnant it can pass to your unborn child.  This is what happened to Elijah.  The virus attacked Elijah's brain and nervous system.  We didn't know any of this until he was born and he started showing symptoms.  His blood sugar was off, he had enlarged liver and spleen, very jaundice, failed his newborn hearing test, his head measured small.  He stayed in the NICU for a week and a half until we could finally come home.  We are now parents of a 5 year old with disabilities but with a huge heart and bright spirit!  We wanted to make this blog to share all of our experiences with Dr appointments, therapies, and everyday challenges or triumphs!

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