Saturday, June 30, 2012

Elijah update

I just wanted to give an update on Elijah because I haven't written in so long. We are still having his vitamin D levels checked every couple months and he will see the endocrinologist in August. His levels are still low. Elijah has been having some kind of pain for months now and he is constantly reaching around to the back of his head. He has had a few seizures, his sleeping patterns have been off, he is off balance, and doesn't move around as much as he used to. So we have been referred to many different specialists to try and pinpoint the problem. First we saw the ENT to make sure his ears were okay. Everything was normal so we saw the eye dr. next. He did have irritation in both eyes. The dr. told us he basically has "acne" of the eye. So we gave Elijah eye drops for a week and we were told to wash his eyelids with baby shampoo everyday and it should make a big difference. The next stop was neurology. The neurologist ordered a 48 hour in home EEG. This will happen in a little over a week. If it shows anything we may need to do a CT scan of the brain. Swim therapy has started again and Elijah was so happy to be back! This year we bought a waterway babies neck tube. It has made a huge difference in what he is able to do in the water. He actually tried to get around on his own! It gave him more freedom.