Tuesday, July 31, 2012

EEG Results

  We got the results for Elijah's EEG and it didn't show any changes.  It didn't show any seizure activity.  It did show abnormal activity on the side of the brain that was more affected by the virus.  So the next step is to have a CT scan done of the brain.  The only problem is that he has so many "artifacts" in the brain that it will be hard to see anything.  It also doesn't show the back of the head as well and this is where he seems to have the pain.  So hopefully that will be enough.  If it doesn't show anything he will get with our ENT and schedule to have his magnets removed from his head and do an MRI.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

48 hour study/ in home EEG

  This morning they came to hook Elijah up for his 48 hour study.  The whole process took almost 2 hours.   First they set up 2 video cameras.   One where he will spend most of the day and one in the bedroom where he will be sleeping.   It took 3 of us working together to get all of the electrodes on his head.   Elijah didn't like it at all.   They used a special glue and taped them onto his head.  They wrapped it up but I know it will be a struggle to keep it on. They put 2 electrodes on his back.  (They really go on your chest but they decided to put them where it would be harder for him to reach. Well, he already pulled one off before they left so we will see how that goes.)   They put a protector over the wires because Elijah likes to chew things.   Everything else goes in a backpack that he wears on his back.   So now I just have to try and keep him in front of the video camera.   I have to keep a log of everything he does.   Tonight at bedtime we have to dress him warm because he can't sleep with any blankets.

  He did really well the first day and night.  It was a little challenging keeping him in front of the camera but he got to watch movies all day so it kept him pretty busy.  The second day Elijah decided he had had enough.  He was very angry that he still had his head wrapped and had to carry a heavy backpack.  He kept pulling the wrap off and I had to keep putting it back on.  It became too hard to do by myself so my mom and my oma came to help.  He was happy to see them!  
     That night he pulled 3 of the electrodes off of his head.  I had to call the tech's cell phone and she had to come and put them back on.  This was after 10:00 p.m.  We were so tired.  He slept through the night but he woke up before I did and pulled the wrap off again!  Luckily all of the electrodes were still in place.  The tech came that morning to take everything off. 
     I put a lot of conditioner in Elijah's hair and let it sit for 10 minutes.  Then I washed his hair 4 times.  He still has some glue in it but it looks a lot better.  So glad it is all over with.  Now we wait 2 weeks for results.