Monday, April 16, 2012

Neurology appointment

Elijah had a neurology appointment today.  The Dr.  told us that Elijah seemed more active today then he had ever seen him.  We told him that Elijah wakes up around 1-3 a.m. every morning and he told us that we could try giving him melatonin before we lay him down for bed.  He did tell us that a few parents have said that their children have had seizures the nights that they give them melatonin so that worries me a little.  We also discussed Elijah's recent seizures.  Elijah will go to get bloodwork done tomorrow to check his trileptal levels to see if the medicine needs to be increased.  They may increase it and if he continues to have break through seizures they will add a different medicine.  He also decided that it would be best to prescribe him diastat to keep at home.  That way if he has anymore seizures that last more then 5 minutes we can go ahead and give him that and it should stop the seizure in about a minute or 2.  (It is basically valium given rectally) It would probably save us a hospital trip.  I was hoping that he would order an EEG but he said he doesn't need one right now.

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