Friday, April 27, 2012

Orthopedic follow up

Today Elijah had a follow up appointment with the orthopedic Dr. to look and see how his hips are looking after the surgery.  He also wanted to take a look at Elijah's brace that he has been wearing for bedtime.  The assistant took an x-ray with the brace on with his legs in the frog position to check and see if the brace is doing it's job.  She also took an x-ray with his legs straight to check if the hips are still uncovered.  The x-ray with the brace showed that both hips were in socket so it is doing it's job by keeping them in place.  The x-ray with his legs straight showed that the left hip is in socket and that the right one is still uncovered.  Which I didn't expect because the left leg was worse before the surgery.  So basically he said that it is very likely that Elijah will need a bony surgery in the future.  He said that the surgery he just had would probably give him a couple years before the bony is needed.  He also told us that the brace will help and that the more he walks the better.  It will help shape the hip into the cup shape to help keep the ball in socket. 

We also heard from the pediatrician.  He spoke to an endocrinologist and they scheduled a bone density test for Elijah because his vitamin D is so low.

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